# 24点游戏基本思路
# 1.输入4个整数
# 2.推算出所有可能的组成方式
# 3.一个一个验证,得出答案
# 输入4个整数
int1 = int(input('请输入第一个整数:'))
int2 = int(input('请输入第二个整数:'))
int3 = int(input('请输入第三个整数:'))
int4 = int(input('请输入第四个整数:'))
cv = ''
# 计算出每一种情况的计算结果
def every_method(a, b, c, d):
global cv
method = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
nums = [a, b, c, d]
for a1 in nums:
for x1 in method:
for b1 in nums:
for y1 in method:
for c1 in nums:
for z1 in method:
for d1 in nums:
if not same(a1, b1, c1, d1):
dcf = [str(a1), str(x1), str(b1), str(y1), str(c1), str(z1), str(d1)]
text__ = list(dcf)
for t in range(0, len(text__) + 1):
for u in range(t + 1, len(text__) + 1):
text__ = list(dcf)
text__.insert(t, '(')
text__.insert(u-1, ')')
cv = ''
for h in text__:
cv = cv + h
cv = del_(cv)
if check(cv):
if not fu_hao(cv):
if (cul(cv)) == 24:
print('符合条件的算式为' + cv + '=24')
return True
if y1 == '/' and eval(str(c1) + str(z1) + str(d1)) == 0:
if eval('(' + str(a1) + str(x1) + str(b1) + ')' + str(y1) + '(' + str(c1) + str(z1) + str(d1) + ')') == 24:
print('符合条件的算式为:(' + str(a1) + str(x1) + str(b1) + ')' + str(y1) + '(' + str(c1) + str(z1) + str(d1) + ')=24')
return True
return False
# 根据输入的算式文本计算结果
def cul(text):
return eval(str(text))
def del_(text): # 删除单个数字前后的括号
text_list = list(text)
for o in range(0, len(text_list) - 2):
if (text_list[o] == '(' or text_list[o] == ')') and (text_list[o+2] == ')' or text_list[o+2] == '('):
text1 = ''.join(text_list)
return text1
# 检查是否所有数字都用上以及各数字个数都准确
def same(h, i, j, k):
nums = [h, i, j, k]
if int1 in nums:
if int2 in nums:
if int3 in nums:
if int4 in nums:
if int1 + int2 + int3 + int4 == h + i + j + k:
return True
return False
def fu_hao(wen_ben): # 对一些基础数学问题进行跳过(如除数不能为零)
cb = ''
if '(' in wen_ben and ')' in wen_ben:
ind1 = wen_ben.index('(')
ind2 = wen_ben.index(')')
ss1 = wen_ben[:ind2]
ss2 = wen_ben[ind1 + 1:]
for char in ss1:
if char in ss2:
cb += char
if cb[0] in ['*', '/']:
return False
if eval(cb) != 0 and wen_ben[ind1 - 1] != '/':
return True
return False
def check(list_): # 跳过格式错误的算式
met = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
in_nums = [int1, int2, int3, int4]
for n in range(0, len(list_) - 1):
if list_[n] == '(' and (list_[n+1] == '+' or list_[n+1] == '-' or list_[n+1] == '*' or list_[n+1] == '/'):
return False
elif (list_[n] == '+' or list_[n] == '-' or list_[n] == '*' or list_[n] == '/') and list_[n+1] == ')':
return False
elif (list_[n] == '(' and list_[n+1] == ')') or (list_[n] == ')' and list_[n+1] == '('):
return False
elif list_[n] in met and list_[n+1] in met:
return False
elif list_[n] in in_nums and (list_[n+1] == '(' or list_[n+1] == ')') and list_[n+2] in in_nums:
return False
return True
every_method(int1, int2, int3, int4)